Borrowed Images united artists who use existing visual material from a widely available pool: print media, television, internet, the everyday world of media and consumer culture, art and history. However, their work is not about simply appropriating this material or citing it in easily recognisable form. Instead, all of these artists create their own individual new visual worlds. Borrowed Images is not to be read in the sense of Pop Art or Appropriation Art, but in the sense of how such images fuel the artist‘s imagination; hence the title Imagination Becomes Reality – something entirely new is created. The pictures, sculptures and videos in this exhibition differed not only stylistically, but also in the way they are produced. They cover a range that includes all possible interim stages from classical drawing to overpainting in oil, acrylic or watercolour, to silkscreens and inkjet prints. The videos may be technically traditional or may reference found footage, or even computer animations, mounted together to created video collages. The fourth part of the exhibition series Imagination Becomes Reality reinforces the impression that, in spite of today’s tendency to treat all artistic media and painterly strategies equally, sculpture, photography and video are still very much set apart from painting. On the other hand, painting itself has long since overstepped its own classical boundaries, not only embracing a new approach to content, but also producing technically exciting and unexpected new visual insights.