By holding an extensive exhibition of works by two artists who do not know each other, Ingvild Goetz has conducted an interesting experiment. The dynamic dialogue that develops between the works by the Cologne and New York artists in Sammlung Goetz shows that the risks involved were worthwhile. The parallels between the artistic strategies of Klauke and Sherman are striking. Both artists work primarily with photographs of themselves in staged situations, situations in which they grapple with different roles and images. Both work simultaneously as actors, directors, designers and photographers. While Sherman uses elaborate costumes to reference historical art and film models and continually tries out new changes of identity, Klauke always remains the provocative player of himself. The exhibition offers an extensive overview of the photographic works of both artists from the last 30 years. These include central work groups such as Klauke's Physiognomien (1972/73) and Inneres Milieu (1991), as well as a selection of Cindy Sherman's Untitled / Film Stills (1977-1980) and Untitled / History Portraits (1990).